Use PowerShell to get site storage usage

One of the challenges for IT Pros when managing the online collaboration world of SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business in Microsoft 365, is getting a quick overview of things like storage usage across their environment. In the gold ol’ days you’d just using Windows Explorer or something similar, but in the Microsoft 365 world these tools are not ‘online’ aware.

Thankfully, it is PowerShell to the rescue here again! What you can do is is basically grab all the SharePoint and OneDrive for Business Sites and look at a property called StorageUsageCurrent. Thus,


will firstly get all the SharePoint sites and then display the storage usage of each in MB. However, that is a bit basic. What you really want is something like this:


for you SharePoint sites and and a separate group for your OneDrive for Business sites like this:


You might also notice that they are also sorted in descending order, from largest to smallest.

The good news is that I have done all that hard work for you and made the script available in my GitHub repo here:

The only thing that you need to do before running the script is to connect to SharePoint Online using PowerShell as an administrator.

Don’t forget there are also plenty of other handy scripts in my GitHub repo which get updated regularly. So, make your admin life easier and use what I have already created rather than re-inventing the wheel.

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