Controlling local user group membership with Intune

I recently outlined how to

Control local admin on a device with LAPS and Intune

Once you have LAPS in place I suggested that you want to eliminate any local device administrators as a best practice. You can achieve this via a policy in Intune.

The first step in the process is going to be to determine any local administrator accounts and what they are doing in your environment. A good starting point is this KQL query to look for local admin activity in your device fleet:

| where TimeGenerated >= ago(7d)
| where IsLocalAdmin == true
| summarize count() by DeviceName, AccountName,LogonType
| sort by AccountName

That will, of course, only show you logon activity by an account that is a local administrator. For dormant local admin accounts you are going to need to do more work to flush them out. However, the query will at least show you active local admin accounts that maybe impacted by any changes made using something like LAPS.


To set a policy to control local groups on Windows devices, login to the Intune management portal and select Endpoint security and Account protection, as shown above. Create a new policy for Windows 10 and later and select Local user group membership as the Profile.


Give your policy a meaningful name and continue.

Select the local group (here Administrators), select the action (here Remove) and Manual for the User selection type.


When you select the Add users hyperlink in the Selected users/groups field you will see the above blade appear. In here, you’ll find a number of different methods of identifying users. If you have a list of local device admins then you can add them here.

Once you have entered all the users you wish to remove from the local device administrators group, complete the policy and assign it to the audience you wish.

The policy will then roll out to your environment and the changes will be made to the local group membership. In this case, it will remove local users from the local device administrator group so they can no longer administrate the device.

Remember, there are lots of options here. You could different policies for different users and/or devices. You could create policies to not only remove but also add. An example maybe where you wish an Entra ID user to be a local administrator of box. In that case, simply select the option to Add the user from Entra ID to the local administrators group. There is a lot of flexibility here with this policy.

Typically, once your policy has completed and there are no more local administrators you can remove the policy, as hopefully no more local accounts will be created with devices being joined directly to Entra ID. However, you may wish to retain it for if new devices are joined to your environment, especially if you don’t use Autopilot.

In summary then, the process so far, is:

1. Create compliance policies and update devices to be compliant

2. Implement LAPS to control the local device admin account that cannot be deleted

3. Remove all other accounts from local administrator group on devices

Typically, these steps will have no impact on users working with their devices and it commences the process of implementing a consistent environment and making it more secure.

You can read more about this particular policy here:

Manage local groups on Windows devices