Recalling message options in Office 365 OWA


There are many times when you want to recall a message you have sent in Outlook or Outlook Web Access (OWA). Generally, you should reconcile yourself to the fact that you won’t be able to achieve this but there is an option in OWA that you can set to allow you to ‘Undo’ you send.

To enable ‘Undo send’ in OWA navigate to OWA in your browser and select the Cog in the top right as shown above.


In the search box that appears type ‘undo’ and this should display the Undo send option as shown. Click on this result to navigate to the setting.


In most cases the Undo send option will be disabled as shown above. To enable simple select the Let me cancel messages I’ve sent for option.


By default, the time you have to undo the send is only 10 seconds so you may want to extend this to the maximum of 30 seconds by selecting that option from the pull down.


After you have made these changes make sure you select the Save button at the top to update your preferences.

With this option now configured at least you might have the ability to undo a sent email before it goes out. Again, this may not always work but at least now you have an option.

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