CIAOPS MS-101 Certification prep course now available

I am happy to announce that the CIAOPS MS-101 Certification prep course is now available for purchase. This builds on the existing successful CIAOPS MS-100 Certification course.

The good news is that if you are one of the first few to purchase the course you’ll receive a 50% discount off the purchase price as a “beta tester”. Please the code MS101BETA at check out or this link to receive the discount. Remember, there are only a limited number of discounted places available so hurry. No matter when you purchase the, you’ll continue to have access to all the current and any new material added.

I’ll continue to build on the content that is available in the course, however currently there is over 75 individual lessons, study guides, links to additional material and more. This material should give you the best chance of passing the MS-101 certification course. Of course, you could just take the course to improve your knowledge of Microsoft 365 if you wanted, but why not also go for the certification if you are going to invest the learning time?

As I said, I will continue to add more content to the course over time and I hope that the early adopters will provide feedback on what extra needs to be added to make the course even better.

remember, if you want the 50% discount, you’ll need to hurry!

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