Monthly Amazon gift cards on offer

I’m now offering two free $15 Amazon gift cards per month to people. The first thing you need to do is either be a SharePoint Operations Guide subscriber, which you can do at or you need to be a subscriber to the CIAOPS email newsletter, which you can do at:


Once you are on at least one of these lists, then all you need to do is send me information on either technology (i.e. cloud computing, social networking, smart phones, etc), productivity tips or SharePoint. Information could be cool sites, tips and tricks, technical articles, ‘how to’ documents, links, etc. Once a month I’ll select the two best (one for SharePoint and one for everything else) and those people will receive a free $15 Amazon gift card.


That means you have the chance of earning a $15 Amazon gift card every month simply by signing up to a CIAOPS newsletter and sending me some ‘stuff’ (via email . Couldn’t be easier right? I’ll be picking the winners at the end of every month so hop to it if you want to be in running by 1 June 2011.

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